Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well, it is at the end of May, but the weather is crazy! It was very cold yesterday for Memorial Day. We spent the day in Orem and enjoyed the company of family. Eight of our grandchildren were there and we had lots of fun with them.

Now that school is out, I have lots of yard work and house work to do. I got a little bit done in the house, but not much done outside. There are several outdoor projects to do that will take quite a bit of time. By the end of the summer maybe the yard will look good!

This year we are going to take a trip to NY to see a few of the attractions there. I am very excited about going to the Hill Cumorah Pageant and seeing the Sacred Grove. I have always wanted to go there and I am finally making it there. It will be fabulous!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Not Very Good at This!

I decide, I wasn't very good at blogging. I guess I just don't take the time to do it. Lots of things happen in my life, but writing them down is another story!!!

Time goes by fast. Yesterday our 19th grand baby was blessed, then we had a wonderful dinner at Grandma Holman's house. It was lots of fun being with family and seeing all the cousins playing together. It was a nice warm day too! (We were only missing 5 of our 19 at the dinner.)

About two months ago, I was put in as Relief Society Secretary! Whoa! I didn't think I would ever be put in another presidency. It will be lots of paper work and visiting. I guess the Lord has plans for me that I am supposed to learn and grow! I will keep trying!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Doughnuts for Dad!

Grandpa got to get up early this morning to go with Carsten to the Middle School. It was "Doughnuts for Dad" day. It was a day to read and eat doughnuts.

They had lots of books there to read. It was a way for the school to have a reading activity with their dads or grandpas or uncles, etc. There were carts of books to choose from so they picked one and sat down to read it. When they opened the book they discovered it was a picture book that had maybe ten words in it. They made the best of it and looked at the pictures.

Of course, they did have a wonderful treat - a doughnut! Thanks Carsten, grandpa had a great time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Outing 2010

   Wow! What a beautiful day we had. We finally left the house around 9:50 AM and headed to the mountain. We went to Pole Creek Cave. We met up with the rest of the family in the parking area and then walked down to the cave. It was a little wetter inside than last year at this time, but it was still fun.

   We had to drag Mallory into the cave. She got to the entrance and decided she didn't want to go in. But, after we got her in and had walked a while, she settled down. Little David was scared of the dark for a while too. Then he too decided that it was ok. Most everyone had an enjoyable time.

   This was Laurel's first time doing something like this too. It was fun watching her and Courtney explore every place they could. They had a couple of big scares while they were in the cave. They swear they met up with a bat, but no one else saw it even when they tried pointing it out. The next big scare they had is when they went exploring in one of the side crevices and when they came out, they met up with some real scary people that jumped out at them.

   After being in the cave we had a picnic! Hot dogs, salad, chips and drinks. It was really fun. It wasn't too cold and not too hot. The fire was just right for roasting the dogs! Some of the big boys enjoyed shooting pistols and the kids were running everywhere having a blast. They even tried building a small log cabin that no one could fit into, but Bodie made sure it had a great doorway.

   We ended the trip up the mountain with seeing the Sinks. There were many wild raspberrys. They were delicious. The water fall was beautiful. Everyone enjoyed climbing all over everything. The hole in the mine was another fun place everyone had to go see.

Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Story from the past.

I was going through some old papers and I found a story I had written many years ago. The writing isn't too grand and there are mistakes, but I thought some of you may enjoy it!

The Incident I’ll Never Forget!
Five A.M. Yes, it sure does come early. You probably think I am going to work at this time or something. But, no I don’t. I’m a tired teenage girl, a sophomore in high school no less.

Well, the reason I get up at this time in the morning is to go to a religion class called seminary. It is held at the church and starts at 6:15 in the morning. You know how long it takes a girl to get ready to go somewhere, and especially in the morning with she’s tired.

With two other sisters getting up at this same time to get ready, and you know all the things we girls have to do to beautify ourselves so that we just might have one or two guys look at you once in a while. Well, you really have to be organized, like taking turns in the bathroom. Putting on makeup can be quite a chore, as you have to put it on just right and to do that it take time.

About an hour after I got up I finally got my turn in the powder room. This certain day I didn’t have very much success on putting on my mascara. For some reason it just wouldn’t go on correctly. Talk about troubles! I had them then! Nothing worked.

Finally I got that over with. Time now to brush my teeth. I opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed my toothbrush. I picked up the mint toothpaste and squeezed it onto my toothbrush. Running a little bit of water on it I looked into the mirror. Being in a hurry I started to brush my teeth vigorously.

All of the sudden I felt the floor move. In my mind I thought of one word. Earthquake! For a minute I didn’t think it would be a very big one so I kept on with what I was doing. The ground was shaking even more. I could only register in my head to do one thing. So, I swallowed the mint toothpaste. It burned all the way down until it hit my stomach. And even then it still burnt. The next thing I knew, the light were out. I was so frightened that I ran to the doorway to my mom and dad’s room. From the doorway I leaped into their bed and landed between my father’s legs. I clung on to them and yelled, “Daddy I’m scared!” I hid my head in the covers. For some reason being by my dad and hiding myself into their covers I felt safe.

At the time I took a hold of daddy’s legs he was trying to get out of bed. After finally fighting me off he made it out of the door.

I followed mom out of the room and found my dad again. I took a hold of his clothing at the shoulder and hung on for dear life. He called across to the other side of the houst to my two sisters and told them to stand under a door frame. He then turned to the rest of us and told us to do the same. Soon everyone in the house was terrified and especially me. It soon quit. We asked Dad if we should still go to seminary. He told us to go.

The earthquake felt like it lasted at least three minutes. But, the news reporters on TV had told us different. It had only lasted one minute. On the ricter scale it registered 4.5. For the next two months, I was still scared. We had aftershocks that were pretty bad. This incident was one I’ll never forget. Being able to go through an earthquake like this was a terrifying experience.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Day at the Zoo!

On Monday of this week, I went to Rockport to see the Taylors! We went to the Hogle Zoo. It was a lot of fun! We saw the elephant show and then we went over to the Bird show. It was very good. Some of the birds were very beautiful and some were very interesting. We had a great time. They even had a bald eagle. See for yourself!

Where has the time gone?

I guess it has been a while since I have posted anything. Life is just too busy!

Since the last post, the major thing that has happened is - We got this letter in the mail from the Vernal Temple Presidency. Oh No!!! Uncle Norman Angus turned our names in over a year ago for us to be temple workers. They finally decided that we should do it! So, we went to the interview and found out that Brent would start serving in the temple the first week of May, but I wouldn't start until June. We have been serving in the first shift of the day in the Vernal Temple. We have to been there and dressed for prayer meeting by 6:30 AM. (Thank goodness they took that first session away or we would have had to be there by 5:00 AM.) Anyway, we now serve together. It is a two-year calling to serve. Because I need to go back to my job in August, we will be changing our shift to the Thursday night schedule. Wow! did I mention how many things there are to learn when you serve in the temple? Lots!!!

As soon as June got here, we were tending grandchildren.  Boyd and Emmy went off to California and their children stayed here at our house. And when one family of grand kids is here, you just have to invite more so they can all play! They had a great time playing in the backyard with cousins. Of course, we also celebrated a birthday while they were here. That was fun too!

 There are many days that children can be found at our house. On one occasion, Hailey and Lily were having fun dressing up! Thanks to Laurel who supplied the princess things for them to play with.
July came, and we were still running! I enjoyed time with Shari and Mom in the first week of July. Then as the month went by, Shari and David came to visit for a weekend. That is when Shari decided I should finish some quilts that I had started a few years ago. So, we worked on it. I did the sewing, while Shari did the ironing. Then we got it partway put together! Now the problem is, should we make it for a boy or a girl? Time will tell and we will know on August 17th, so, the quilt gets set aside again! ;) But we did make good progress while we were working on it.

Then it was time for another birthday! We have lots of them! Jason and Jared's birthday was next followed by Claire, and then Bodie! All in one month. Well, needless to say, I only have pics of Bodie's birthday. I guess I was not thinking when I didn't take pictures of Jason, Jared and Claire! Here is the celebration: